Saturday, August 30, 2014

The only thing that worst than being blind is "Having Sight But No Vision"!

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"

Letting go is the Hardest Thing to do...

Often times, we know... for many things, there is no turning back.
The brain signal its time to let go, but our heart are unwilling to let go...
There was so much that we accomplished, the hurdles that we went through together, we went through high and low times, too much commitment was put in, so much of fond memories to cherish...

How can one possible just 'let go' so easily?
However, as nothing is impossible... things happen in a way we would never predict it would ever happen. And one cant do much but just got drifted away... in our own world...
It hurt a lot of course!
It bleeds every moment & every seconds we touch it!
Its a chronic non-healing ulcer...

Friday, August 29, 2014


Too often, we have high self conscious of our outlook, how can we impress others, how we react, how we talk and how others view us. Gave a really good first impression. Instead, forgetting what we really feel and what is within us.  Often times, we express according to others view, just to be part of the group... so that we will be accepted within the circle of friends. The fear of losing frens, the fear of being boycott and on top of all, the fear of Loneliness. This is happening so commonly that we have already take it as part and parcel of our life.

Some times, its good to just forget about the rest of the things. Just do what you feel like doing and do it! No doubt it takes a lot of courage to take the first step forward and focus on no other than Yourself! No one knows what is going to happen next!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dont Give Up!

Believe in yourself!
You can certainly make the mark!
You can certainly reach the goal!
Go for it!

When you feel like giving up, 
Think of the very reason why you hold on for so long!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The precious Time.

A lost Time is lost forever! 
An opportunity lost is lost forever!
Treasure and make the best of one's limited time!